Thomas Chi, MD, MBA

Professor In Residence
+1 415 353-2200

Re-defining the interpretation of 24-h urine studies for stone formers.

BJU international

Sui W, Yang H, Velasquez MC, Stoller ML, Chi T

A Modern Education Theory Approach to Development of a Benchtop Simulation Model for Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy.

Journal of endourology

Ghazi A, Shepard L, Li O, Im C, Schuler N, Saba P, Ballon-Landa E, Bechis SK, Hsi RS, Kavoussi N, Wiener S, Tzou DT, Sur RL, Chang HC, Tailly T, Ahn J, Bayne D, Chi T

A Prospective, Randomized, Noninferiority Study to Evaluate the Safety and Effectiveness of Steerable Ureteroscopic Renal Evacuation Compared with Standard Ureteroscopy: 30-Day Results of the ASPIRE Study.

Journal of endourology

Matlaga BR, Mueller TJ, Johnson B, Page J, Wolf JS, Preminger GM, Jones L, Sobol I, Stern K, Cuellar D, Cobb K, Barsky R, Medairos R, Marguet C, Nimmagadda N, White M, Levin M, Chi T

Longer Preoperative Antibiotic Duration Prior to High-Risk Ureteroscopy Does Not Decrease Infectious Complications.

Journal of endourology

Sui W, Yang H, Pepic L, Chang K, Shee K, Rompsaithong U, Bayne DD, Stoller ML, Chi T

Break Wave Lithotripsy for Urolithiasis: Results of the First-in-Human International Multi-Institutional Clinical Trial.

The Journal of urology

Chew BH, Harper JD, Sur RL, Chi T, De S, Buckley AR, Paterson RF, Wong VKF, Forbes CM, Hall MK, Kessler R, Bechis SK, Woo JR, Wang RC, Bayne DB, Bochinski D, Schuler TD, Wollin TA, Samji R, Sorensen MD

A Novel Machine-Learning Algorithm to Predict Stone Recurrence with 24-Hour Urine Data.

Journal of endourology

Shee K, Liu AW, Chan C, Yang H, Sui W, Desai M, Ho S, Chi T, Stoller ML

The yield of genetic testing in management of nephrolithiasis.


Pearce RJ, Sui W, Yang H, Chi T, Stoller M

Renal autotransplantation: association between preoperative disease duration and surgical outcomes.


Li KD, Pearce RJ, Sui W, Yang H, Freise C, Roll GR, Chi T, Stoller ML

The impact of bilateral stone disease on patients' disease progression and health related quality of life.

Journal of endourology

Raizenne B, Deyirmendjian C, Lafontaine ML, Balde M, Bechis SK, Sur RL, Nakada SY, Antonelli JA, Streeper NM, Sivalingam S, Viprakasit D, Averch TD, Landman J, Chi T, Pais VM, Chew BH, Bird V, Andonian S, Canvasser NE, Harper JD, Penniston KL, Bhojani N

Reimagining Ambulatory Care in Urology: Conversion of the Urology Clinic into a Procedure Center Improves Patient's Experience.

Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association

Hamouche F, Hakam N, Unno R, Ahn J, Yang H, Bayne D, Stoller ML, Smith S, Finlayson E, Smith J, Chi T

Clinical and postoperative characteristics of stentless ureteroscopy patients: a prospective analysis from ReSKU.

The Canadian journal of urology

Hamouche F, Unno R, Hakam N, Charondo LB, Yang H, Ahn J, Bayne DB, Stoller ML, Chi T

Effects of Delayed Surgical Intervention Following Emergency Department Presentation on Stone Surgery Complexity.

Journal of endourology

Bayne D, Maru J, Srirangapatanam S, Hicks C, Neuhaus J, Scales C, Chi T, Stoller M

Ultrasound-Only Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy is Safe and Effective Compared to Fluoroscopy-Directed Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy.

Journal of endourology

Hosier G, Hakam N, Hamouche F, Cortez X, Charondo LDB, Yang H, Chan C, Chang K, Unno R, Sui W, Bayne D, Stoller M, Chi T

Voided volume may not impact stone outcomes: Review of a large institutional nephrolithiasis cohort.

BJUI compass

Shee K, Chan C, Yang H, Sui W, Bowman M, Hamouche F, Charondo LB, Ho S, Chi T, Stoller ML

Heterogeneity in stone culture protocols and endourologist practice patterns: a multi-institutional survey.


Tzou DT, Stern KL, Duty BD, Hsi RS, Canvasser NE, De S, Wong AC, Royal CR, Sloss ML, Ziemba JB, Harper JD, Bechis SK, Zampini AM, Borofsky MS, Bell JR, Friedlander JI, Leavitt DA, Nevo A, Patel ND, Patel RM, Okeke Z, Rivera ME, Hsu CH, Chi T, Vedantam G, Lainhart WD

Maternal family history of urolithiasis is associated with earlier age of onset of stone disease.

World journal of urology

Unno R, Taguchi K, Hosier G, Usawachintachit M, Sui W, Yang H, Hamouche F, Bayne D, Stoller M, Chi T

Determinants of ureteral obstruction after percutaneous nephrolithotomy.


Lee HH, Yang H, Martin-Tuite P, Unno R, Hamouche F, Ahn J, Bayne D, Stoller M, Chi T

Underinsurance And Multiple Surgical Treatments for Kidney Stones.


Bayne D, Hicks CR, Srirangapatanam S, Armas-Phan M, Maru J, Gennatas E, Allen IE, Seligman H, Stoller M, Suskind A, Chi TL

The duration of stone disease and the impact of a stone event on patients' quality of life.

Journal of endourology

Raizenne B, Deyirmendjian C, Bechis SK, Sur RL, Nakada SY, Antonelli JA, Streeper N, Sivalingam S, Viprakasit D, Averch TD, Landman J, Chi T, Pais VM, Chew BH, Bird V, Andonian S, Canvasser NE, Harper JD, Penniston KL, Bhojani N

Editorial Comment.

The Journal of urology

Hosier GW, Chi T

Multi-institutional variation in performance of low dose computerized tomography for the evaluation of suspected nephrolithiasis.

Journal of endourology

Raskolnikov D, Tzou DT, Ahn J, Bechis SK, Chi T, Sorensen MD, Stoller M, Harper JD

Community Income, Healthy Food Access, and Repeat Surgery for Kidney Stones.


Bayne D, Srirangapatanam S, Hicks CR, Armas-Phan M, Showen A, Suskind A, Seligman H, Bibbins-Domingo K, Stoller M, Chi TL

The erector spinae plane block can facilitate outpatient stone surgery by reducing breakthrough pain.

BJU international

Yang H, Lee HH, Martin-Tuite P, Chappidi M, Bowman M, Hamouche F, Ahn J, Stoller M, Braehler M, Chi T

What is the relationship of stress to patients' kidney stone-related quality of life?

Canadian Urological Association journal = Journal de l'Association des urologues du Canada

Lundeen C, Lim JRZ, Scotland KB, Ardekani RS, Penniston KL, Streeper NM, Chi T, Landman J, Viprakasit DP, Chew BH

European Association of Urology Section of Urolithiasis and International Alliance of Urolithiasis Joint Consensus on Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy.

European urology focus

Zeng G, Zhong W, Pearle M, Choong S, Chew B, Skolarikos A, Liatsikos E, Pal SK, Lahme S, Durutovic O, Farahat Y, Khadgi S, Desai M, Chi T, Smith D, Hoznek A, Papatsoris A, Desai J, Mazzon G, Somani B, Eisner B, Scoffone CM, Nguyen D, Ferretti S, Giusti G, Saltirov I, Maroccolo MV, Gökce MI, Straub M, Bernardo N, Lantin PL, Saulat S, Gamal W, Denstedt J, Ye Z, Sarica K

The impact of the number of lifetime stone events on quality of life: results from the North American Stone Quality of Life Consortium.


Tapiero S, Limfuco L, Bechis SK, Sur RL, Penniston KL, Nakada SY, Antonelli JA, Streeper NM, Sivalingam S, Viprakasit DP, Averch TD, Okhunov Z, Patel RM, Chi T, Pais VM, Chew BH, Bird VG, Andonian S, Bhojani N, Canvasser NE, Landman J

Estimating the Health-Related Quality of Life of Kidney Stone Patients: Initial Results from the Wisconsin Stone Quality of Life Machine Learning Algorithm (WISQOL-MLA).

BJU international

Nguyen DD, Luo JW, Lu XH, Bechis SK, Sur RL, Nakada SY, Antonelli JA, Streeper NM, Sivalingam S, Viprakasit DP, Averch TD, Landman J, Chi T, Pais VM, Chew BH, Bird VG, Andonian S, Canvasser NE, Harper JD, Penniston KL, Bhojani N

Low urologist density predicts high cost surgical treatment of stone disease.

Journal of endourology

Bayne D, Armas-Phan M, Srirangapatanam S, Ahn J, Brown T, Stoller M, Chi T

Response to: Khusid, Atallah, and Gupta re: "Metabolic Syndrome Negatively Impacts Stone-Specific Quality of Life" by Lim et al.

Journal of endourology

Lim JRZ, Scotland KB, Bechis SK, Sur RL, Nakada SY, Antonelli JA, Streeper NM, Sivalingam S, Viprakasit DP, Averch TD, Landman J, Chi T, Pais VM, Bird VG, Andonian S, Bhojani N, Canvasser NE, Harper JD, Penniston KL, Chew BH

Long-Term Antibiotic Treatment Prior to Laparoscopic Nephrectomy for Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis Improves Postoperative Outcomes: Results from a Multicenter Study.

The Journal of urology

Xie L, Tapiero S, Flores AR, Armas-Phan M, Limfueco L, Karani R, Jiang P, Cobb KD, Sur RL, Chi T, Landman J, Kaler KS, Clayman RV

Ectopic biomineralization in kidney stone formers compared to non-stone formers.

Translational andrology and urology

Fernandez AM, Sherer BA, Gansky SA, Mena JD, Srirangapatanam S, Wiener SV, Chi T, Ho SP, Stoller ML

Metabolic Syndrome Negatively Impacts Stone Specific Quality of Life.

Journal of endourology

Lim J, Scotland K, Bechis SK, Sur RL, Nakada SY, Antonelli JA, Streeper N, Sivalingam S, Viprakasit D, Averch TD, Landman J, Chi T, Pais VM, Bird V, Andonian S, Bhojani N, Canvasser NE, Harper JD, Penniston KL, Chew BH

Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in Horseshoe Kidneys: Results of a Multicentric Study.

Journal of endourology

Vicentini FC, Mazzucchi E, Gökce MI, Sofer M, Tanidir Y, Sener TE, Melo PAS, Eisner BH, Batter T, Chi T, Armas-Phan M, Scoffone C, Cracco C, Manzo BO, Angerri O, Emiliani E, Maugeri O, Stern K, Batagello CA, Monga M

Fatty acid-binding protein 4 downregulation drives calcification in the development of kidney stone disease.

Kidney international

Taguchi K, Chen L, Usawachintachit M, Hamamoto S, Kang M, Sugino T, Unno R, Tzou DT, Sherer BA, Okada A, Yasui T, Ho SP, Stoller ML, Chi T

Editorial Commentary.

Urology practice

Ahn JS, Chi TL

Non-Radiologic Assessment of Kidney Stones by KIT, a Spot Urine Assay.

BJU international

Yang JYC, Sarwal RD, Ky K, Dong V, Stoller M, Sarwal MM, Chi T

The effect of travel distance on health-related quality of life for patients with nephrolithiasis.

Canadian Urological Association journal = Journal de l'Association des urologues du Canada

Narang GL, Wiener LE, Penniston KL, Antonelli JA, Averch TD, Sivalingam S, Chew BH, Bird VG, Pais VM, Sur RL, Chi T, Streeper NM, Nakada SY, Koch GG, Viprakasit DP

Ultrasound guidance can be used safely for renal tract dilation during percutaneous nephrolithotomy.

BJU international

Armas-Phan M, Tzou DT, Bayne DB, Wiener SV, Stoller ML, Chi T

Techniques ? Ultrasound-guided percutaneous nephrolithotomy: How we do it.

Canadian Urological Association journal = Journal de l'Association des urologues du Canada

Beiko D, Razvi H, Bhojani N, Bjazevic J, Bayne DB, Tzou DT, Stoller ML, Chi T

The Impact of Stone Multiplicity on Surgical Decisions for Patients with Large Stone Burden: Results from ReSKU.

Journal of endourology

Zetumer S, Wiener S, Bayne D, Armas-Phan M, Washington SL, Tzou DT, Stoller M, Chi T

A conserved role of the insulin-like signaling pathway in diet-dependent uric acid pathologies in Drosophila melanogaster.

PLoS genetics

Lang S, Hilsabeck TA, Wilson KA, Sharma A, Bose N, Brackman DJ, Beck JN, Chen L, Watson MA, Killilea DW, Ho S, Kahn A, Giacomini K, Stoller ML, Chi T, Kapahi P

Association of Age and Gender with Patient Kidney Stone Related Quality of Life.

The Journal of urology

Stern KL, Gao T, Antonelli JA, Viprakasit DP, Averch TD, Chi T, Chew BH, Bird VG, Pais VM, Streeper NM, Sur RL, Nakada SY, Penniston KL, Sivalingam S

Low income and non-White race are strongly associated with worse quality of life for nephrolithiasis patients.

The Journal of urology

Ahmad TR, Tzou DT, Usawachintachit M, Reliford-Titus S, Wu C, Goodman J, Antonelli JA, Viprakasit DP, Averch TD, Sivalingam S, Chew BH, Bird VG, Pais VM, Streeper NM, Sur RL, Nakada SY, Penniston KL, Chi T

Computed Tomography Radiation Exposure Among Referred Kidney Stone Patients: Results from the Registry for Stones of the Kidney and Ureter.

Journal of endourology

Tzou DT, Zetumer S, Usawachintachit M, Taguchi K, Bechis SK, Duty BD, Harper JD, Hsi RS, Sorensen M, Sur RL, Reliford-Titus S, Chang HC, Isaacson D, Bayne DB, Wang ZJ, Stoller ML, Chi T

Editorial Comment.

The Journal of urology

Bayne DB, Chi T

Assessing Cost-Effectiveness of New Technologies in Stone Management.

The Urologic clinics of North America

Bayne DB, Chi TL

American Urological Association, American College of Emergency Physicians and American College of Radiology Quality Improvement Summit 2017: Challenges and Opportunities for Stewardship of Urological Imaging.

Urology practice

Nielsen ME, Averch T, Chi T, Fredricks N, Shiu-Kai Fung G, Montie J, Purysko A, Remer EM, Smith-Bindman R, Sternberg K, Venkatesh A, Wolf JS, Ziemba J, Moore C

Editorial Comment.

The Journal of urology

Tzou DT, Chi T

Increasing body mass index steepens the learning curve for ultrasound-guided percutaneous nephrolithotomy.


Bayne DB, Usawachintachit M, Tzou D, Taguchi K, Shindel A, Chi TL

Ultrasound-Guided Morcellation During Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate.

Journal of endourology case reports

Tzou DT, Metzler IS, Stoller ML, Chi T

Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI of orbital and anterior visual pathway lesions.

Magnetic resonance imaging

Jittapiromsak N, Hou P, Liu HL, Sun J, Schiffman JS, Chi TL

The Morbidity of Ureteral Strictures in Patients with Prior Ureteroscopic Stone Surgery: Multi-Institutional Outcomes.

Journal of endourology

May PC, Hsi RS, Tran HH, Stoller M, Chew BH, Chi T, Usawachintachit M, Duty BD, Gore JL, Harper JD

Management of Inverted Papilloma during Holmium Laser Enucleation of Prostate (HoLEP).


Tzou DT, Caldwell C, Simko JP, Chi T, Stoller ML

Micro-Costing Analysis Demonstrates Comparable Costs for LithoVue Compared to Reusable Flexible Fiberoptic Ureteroscopes.

Journal of endourology

Taguchi K, Usawachintachit M, Tzou DT, Sherer BA, Metzler I, Isaacson D, Stoller ML, Chi T

Radiation Therapy as an Effective Salvage Strategy for Secondary CNS Lymphoma.

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics

Milgrom SA, Pinnix CC, Chi TL, Vu TH, Gunther JR, Sheu T, Fowler N, Westin JR, Nastoupil LJ, Oki Y, Fayad LE, Neelapu S, Rodriguez MA, Hagemeister FB, Fanale MA, Lee HJ, Hosing C, Ahmed S, Nieto Y, Shpall EJ, Dabaja BS

Clinical Outcomes for Cystinuria Patients with Unilateral Versus Bilateral Cystine Stone Disease.

Journal of endourology

Usawachintachit M, Sherer B, Hudnall M, Tzou DT, Taguchi K, Hsi RS, Stoller M, Chi T

Identifying factors associated with need for flexible ureteroscope repair: a Western Endourology STone (WEST) research consortium prospective cohort study.


Taguchi K, Harper JD, Stoller ML, Duty BD, Sorensen MD, Sur RL, Usawachintachit M, Tzou DT, Wenzler DL, Isaacson D, Xu A, Chu C, Zaid UB, Taylor ER, Ramaswamy K, Chi T

Variation in Radiologic and Urologic Computed Tomography Interpretation of Urinary Tract Stone Burden: Results From the Registry for Stones of the Kidney and Ureter.


Tzou DT, Isaacson D, Usawachintachit M, Wang ZJ, Taguchi K, Hills NK, Hsi RS, Sherer BA, Reliford-Titus S, Duty B, Harper JD, Sorensen M, Sur RL, Stoller ML, Chi T

Defining the Costs of Reusable Flexible Ureteroscope Reprocessing Using Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing.

Journal of endourology

Isaacson D, Ahmad T, Metzler I, Tzou DT, Taguchi K, Usawachintachit M, Zetumer S, Sherer B, Stoller M, Chi T

Optimizing RNA Extraction of Renal Papilla Biopsy Tissue in Kidney Stone Formers: A New Methodology for Genomic Study.

Journal of endourology

Taguchi K, Usawachintachit M, Hamamoto S, Unno R, Tzou DT, Sherer BA, Wang Y, Okada A, Stoller ML, Yasui T, Chi T

Most common sites on MRI of intracranial neoplastic leptomeningeal disease.

Journal of clinical neuroscience : official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia

Debnam JM, Mayer RR, Chi TL, Ketonen L, Weinberg JS, Wei W, Groves MD, Guha-Thakurta N

Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound as a Radiation-Free Alternative to Fluoroscopic Nephrostogram for Evaluating Ureteral Patency.

The Journal of urology

Chi T, Usawachintachit M, Weinstein S, Kohi MP, Taylor A, Tzou DT, Chang HC, Stoller M, Mongan J

Editorial Comment.

The Journal of urology

Chi T

Prognostic Role of Conventional and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI in Optic Pathway Gliomas.

Journal of neuroimaging : official journal of the American Society of Neuroimaging

Jittapiromsak N, Hou P, Liu HL, Sun J, Slopis JM, Chi TL

A Prospective Case-Control Study Comparing LithoVue, a Single-Use, Flexible Disposable Ureteroscope, with Flexible, Reusable Fiber-Optic Ureteroscopes.

Journal of endourology

Usawachintachit M, Isaacson DS, Taguchi K, Tzou DT, Hsi RS, Sherer BA, Stoller ML, Chi T

Medical expulsive therapy use in emergency department patients diagnosed with ureteral stones.

The American journal of emergency medicine

Wang RC, Addo N, Chi T, Moore C, Mallin M, Shiboski S, Stoller M, Smith-Bindman R

Editorial Comment.


Chi T

Ultrasound-Guided Renal Access and Tract Dilation.

Videourology (New Rochelle, N.Y.)

Usawachintachit M, Tzou DT, Washington SL, Hu W, Li J, Chi T

a-Lipoic acid treatment prevents cystine urolithiasis in a mouse model of cystinuria.

Nature medicine

Zee T, Bose N, Zee J, Beck JN, Yang S, Parihar J, Yang M, Damodar S, Hall D, O'Leary MN, Ramanathan A, Gerona RR, Killilea DW, Chi T, Tischfield J, Sahota A, Kahn A, Stoller ML, Kapahi P

Ultrasound Guidance Reduces Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Cost Compared to Fluoroscopy.


Hudnall M, Usawachintachit M, Metzler I, Tzou DT, Harrison B, Lobo E, Chi T

Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound Detects Recurrent Renal Cell Carcinoma in the Setting of Chronic Renal Insufficiency.

Clinical genitourinary cancer

Tzou DT, Weinstein S, Usawachintachit M, Mongan J, Greene KL, Chi T

Dietary Zinc and Incident Calcium Kidney Stones in Adolescence.

The Journal of urology

Tasian GE, Ross ME, Song L, Grundmeier RW, Massey J, Denburg MR, Copelovitch L, Warner S, Chi T, Killilea DW, Stoller ML, Furth SL

Antegrade ultrasound contrast injection facilitates accurate nephrostomy tube positioning during percutaneous nephrolithotomy.

International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association

Usawachintachit M, Tzou DT, Mongan J, Weinstein S, Chi T

Animal models of urinary stone disease.

International journal of surgery (London, England)

Tzou DT, Taguchi K, Chi T, Stoller ML

Ultrasound Use in Urinary Stones: Adapting Old Technology for a Modern-Day Disease.

Journal of endourology

Tzou DT, Usawachintachit M, Taguchi K, Chi T

Rationale and Design of the Registry for Stones of the Kidney and Ureter (ReSKU): A Prospective Observational Registry to Study the Natural History of Urolithiasis Patients.

Journal of endourology

Chang HC, Tzou DT, Usawachintachit M, Duty BD, Hsi RS, Harper JD, Sorensen MD, Stoller ML, Sur RL, Chi T

Emergency Department Imaging Modality Effect on Surgical Management of Nephrolithiasis: A Multicenter, Randomized Clinical Trial.

The Journal of urology

Metzler IS, Smith-Bindman R, Moghadassi M, Wang RC, Stoller ML, Chi T

Feasibility of Antegrade Contrast-enhanced US Nephrostograms to Evaluate Ureteral Patency.


Chi T, Usawachintachit M, Mongan J, Kohi MP, Taylor A, Jha P, Chang HC, Stoller M, Goldstein R, Weinstein S

Emphysematous pyelonephritis: the impact of urolithiasis on disease severity.

Translational andrology and urology

Sanford TH, Myers F, Chi T, Bagga HS, Taylor AG, Stoller ML

Using an abdominal phantom to teach urology residentes ultrasound-guided percutaneous needle placement.

International braz j urol : official journal of the Brazilian Society of Urology

Filippou P, Odisho A, Ramaswamy K, Usawachintachit M, Hu W, Li J, Chi T

Significant differences in struvite and cystine stone frequency seen among Chinese nephrolithiasis patients living in North America compared to those living in China.

Translational andrology and urology

Chi T, Usawachintachit M, Filippou P, Bayne D, Hu W, Chang H, Xia L, Chen Q, Xue W, He H, Long Q, Arsovska O, Taylor E, Paterson R, Sur RL, Chew B, Stoller ML, Li J

Methylene Blue Injection as an Alternative to Antegrade Nephrostography to Assess Urinary Obstruction After Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy.

Journal of endourology

Truesdale MD, Elmer-Dewitt M, Sandri M, Schmidt B, Metzler I, Gadzinski A, Stoller ML, Chi T

Ultrasound-Guided Renal Access for Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy: A Description of Three Novel Ultrasound-Guided Needle Techniques.

Journal of endourology

Chu C, Masic S, Usawachintachit M, Hu W, Yang W, Stoller M, Li J, Chi T

Editorial Comment.


Chi T

Coronary Artery Calcium Score and Association with Recurrent Nephrolithiasis: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis.

The Journal of urology

Hsi RS, Spieker AJ, Stoller ML, Jacobs DR, Reiner AP, McClelland RL, Kahn AJ, Chi T, Szklo M, Sorensen MD

The elementome of calcium-based urinary stones and its role in urolithiasis.

Nature reviews. Urology

Ramaswamy K, Killilea DW, Kapahi P, Kahn AJ, Chi T, Stoller ML

Validation of a Visual Prostate Symptom Score in Men With Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in a Health Safety Net Hospital.


Selekman RE, Harris CR, Filippou P, Chi T, Alwaal A, Blaschko SD, Breyer BN

Elemental Content of Calcium Oxalate Stones from a Canine Model of Urinary Stone Disease.

PloS one

Killilea DW, Westropp JL, Shiraki R, Mellema M, Larsen J, Kahn AJ, Kapahi P, Chi T, Stoller ML

A Drosophila model identifies a critical role for zinc in mineralization for kidney stone disease.

PloS one

Chi T, Kim MS, Lang S, Bose N, Kahn A, Flechner L, Blaschko SD, Zee T, Muteliefu G, Bond N, Kolipinski M, Fakra SC, Mandel N, Miller J, Ramanathan A, Killilea DW, Brückner K, Kapahi P, Stoller ML

Laparoscopic Nephrectomy with Autotransplantation: Safety, Efficacy and Long-Term Durability.

The Journal of urology

Tran G, Ramaswamy K, Chi T, Meng M, Freise C, Stoller ML

Targeted microbubbles: a novel application for the treatment of kidney stones.

BJU international

Ramaswamy K, Marx V, Laser D, Kenny T, Chi T, Bailey M, Sorensen MD, Grubbs RH, Stoller ML

Determinants of nephrostomy tube dislodgment after percutaneous nephrolithotomy.

Journal of endourology

Bayne D, Taylor ER, Hampson L, Chi T, Stoller ML

Dyslipidemia is associated with an increased risk of nephrolithiasis.


Masterson JH, Woo JR, Chang DC, Chi T, L'Esperance JO, Stoller ML, Sur RL

Alexander Randall may have had it right after all.

Translational andrology and urology

Chi T, Taylor E, Stoller ML

Balancing the utility of new technology against cost in urinary stone disease.

Translational andrology and urology

Chi T, Taylor E, Stoller ML

Gastric bypass surgery patients warrant special attention for preventing urinary stones.

Translational andrology and urology

Chi T, Taylor E, Stoller ML

Kidney stone disease.

Translational andrology and urology

Chi T, Stoller ML

Looking beyond the guidelines for perioperative antibiotics in nephrolithiasis.

Translational andrology and urology

Chi T, Taylor E, Stoller ML

Making sense of dietary calcium and urinary stone disease.

Translational andrology and urology

Chi T, Taylor E, Stoller ML

Moderation may be the best fad diet for urinary stone disease.

Translational andrology and urology

Chi T, Taylor E, Stoller ML

Reactive oxygen species may unite many mechanisms by which calcium oxalate stones form.

Translational andrology and urology

Chi T, Taylor E, Stoller ML

The days of cost effective management for nephrolithiasis are already upon us.

Translational andrology and urology

Chi T, Taylor E, Stoller ML

Treating the cystine stone former presents a singular clinical challenge.

Translational andrology and urology

Chi T, Taylor E, Stoller ML

Ureteral stents are part of an ever-expanding technology horizon.

Translational andrology and urology

Chi T, Taylor E, Stoller ML

Dietary intake of fiber, fruit and vegetables decreases the risk of incident kidney stones in women: a Women's Health Initiative report.

The Journal of urology

Sorensen MD, Hsi RS, Chi T, Shara N, Wactawski-Wende J, Kahn AJ, Wang H, Hou L, Stoller ML

Activity, energy intake, obesity, and the risk of incident kidney stones in postmenopausal women: a report from the Women's Health Initiative.

Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN

Sorensen MD, Chi T, Shara NM, Wang H, Hsi RS, Orchard T, Kahn AJ, Jackson RD, Miller J, Reiner AP, Stoller ML

Drosophila melanogaster as an emerging translational model of human nephrolithiasis.

The Journal of urology

Miller J, Chi T, Kapahi P, Kahn AJ, Kim MS, Hirata T, Romero MF, Dow JA, Stoller ML

Strontium substitution for calcium in lithogenesis.

The Journal of urology

Blaschko SD, Chi T, Miller J, Flechner L, Fakra S, Kapahi P, Kahn A, Stoller ML

Complications associated with percutaneous nephrolithotomy.

Translational andrology and urology

Taylor E, Miller J, Chi T, Stoller ML

New insights into the pathogenesis of renal calculi.

The Urologic clinics of North America

Bagga HS, Chi T, Miller J, Stoller ML

Microcomposition of human urinary calculi using advanced imaging techniques.

The Journal of urology

Blaschko SD, Miller J, Chi T, Flechner L, Fakra S, Kahn A, Kapahi P, Stoller ML

Systemic implications of urinary stone disease.

Translational andrology and urology

Kovshilovskaya B, Chi T, Miller J, Stoller ML

Impact of nutritional factors on incident kidney stone formation: a report from the WHI OS.

The Journal of urology

Sorensen MD, Kahn AJ, Reiner AP, Tseng TY, Shikany JM, Wallace RB, Chi T, Wactawski-Wende J, Jackson RD, O'Sullivan MJ, Sadetsky N, Stoller ML

Randall plaque versus renal stone?

Translational andrology and urology

Chi T, Miller J, Stoller ML

Laterality of nephrocalcinosis in kidney stone formers with severe hypocitraturia.

BJU international

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Androgen blockade for the treatment of high-flow priapism.

The journal of sexual medicine

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Penile sonographic and clinical characteristics in men with Peyronie's disease.

The journal of sexual medicine

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The Journal of urology

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Management of severe urethral complications of prostate cancer therapy.

The Journal of urology

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The independent impact of extended pattern biopsy on prostate cancer stage migration.

The Journal of urology

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